Terms & Privacy

Terms & Privacy

The purpose of this privacy policy is to explain how Legal Piling protects and uses any personal information you give us.

Legal Piling is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected at all times. You can be assured that if we ask you for personal information that can identify you when you are using this website, then that information will only be used in accordance with the policy set forth herein.

Legal Piling reserves the right to change this policy from time to time by updating this page. Please ensure that you check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes that have been made.

What We Collect

  • Here are some of the types of information we may collect from you:
  • Name and title of the job.
  • Contact information, including an email address
  • Demographic information such as postal code, interests, and preferences
  • Other information related to customer surveys and/or offers

What Do We Do With The Information We Gather?

The purpose of requesting this information is for us to understand your needs and to provide you with a better service, in particular for the following reasons:

  • Maintaining internal records
  • The information may be used to improve our products and services
  • We may periodically send you promotional emails about new products, special offers, or other information we think you may find interesting using the email address that you provided
  • We may also use your information for market research from time to time. Depending on your preference, we may contact you by e-mail, phone, fax, or mail. Our website may be customized according to your interests based on the information you provide.


We are committed to ensuring that the information you provide to us is secure. Our company has put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures in order to safeguard and secure the information that we collect online in order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure.

How We Use Cookies

The cookie is a small file that asks your permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive so that it can be read by your browser. As soon as you approve, the file will be added to your computer and a cookie will be created, which will help analyze your web traffic or notify you when you visit a particular website. By using cookies, web applications are able to respond to you in a more personalized manner. By gathering and remembering information about your preferences, the web application will be able to tailor its operations to your individual needs, likes, and dislikes.

As part of our traffic log cookies, we are able to identify which pages are being used by our visitors. This allows us to analyze data about the traffic to our website and improve it so that it is as tailored to the needs of our customers as possible. It is our policy to use this information only for the purpose of statistical analysis, and then to remove it from the system after that.

Generally, cookies are useful to us because they enable us to gather information about which pages you find useful, and which ones you do not find useful, so we can provide you with a better website. It is important to note that cookies don’t give us access to your computer or any information about you, apart from the information you choose to share with us on your own.

It is up to you whether or not you wish to accept cookies. Most web browsers accept cookies automatically, but you can usually change your browser’s settings to decline cookies if you prefer to do so. You may not be able to take full advantage of the website if you do this.

Third Party Websites & Practices

There may be links to other websites or third-party services available on the Services, including advertising platforms and technologies. Our company is not responsible for the privacy practices of third parties. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of all websites and services that collect your information. Furthermore, if you accessed the Services via another website, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of that website, and you should review its privacy policy before providing any information. We collect only information about you in accordance with this Policy.


We do not recommend the Services to children under the age of 13, and such use is prohibited by our Terms of Use. Under no circumstances do we knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of 13. We will promptly delete such information if you are a parent or legal guardian who discovers that your child has provided us with information without your consent.

Terms & Conditions

Take a moment to read over the Terms and Conditions, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please let us know any Terms and Conditions, or expectations, that you would like to include before work begins.

Terms and Conditions
  • We produce our quotations with as much detail as possible to avoid any misunderstandings. In the event that something is missing that you would like to be included in the quotation, please let us know and we will make the necessary revisions. If additional works are found necessary, they must be discussed with the client and a separate revision or extra quote must be provided.
  • As a general rule, prices are calculated assuming free access and unimpeded work during our normal office hours (9 am – 6 pm, Saturday through Tuesday).
  • The contractor and client must agree to practical arrangements on working methods that provide minimal disruption to the client and allow the contractor to perform the work efficiently.
  • Whenever building materials, machinery, skips, plant, and equipment are delivered, there must be free access.
  • Until full and final payment is received via bank transfer, cleared check, or cash, all construction and other materials provided by the main contractor or their subcontractors remain Legal Piling’s property. Legal Piling, our subcontractors, or our suppliers retain ownership of surplus construction materials, waste materials, and offcuts unless otherwise agreed in a quotation (or other documents). Only the materials used for carrying out the work will become the property of the client after the final payment has been received.
  • As long as full and cleared final payment has not been received, construction materials, equipment, and plant, etc can still be accessed and collected.
  • To complete the project on site, Legal Piling may either hire direct labor or subcontract it. It is up to each individual contractor to assume full responsibility for their third-party liability. The main contractor oversees all works to completion and takes full general and operational responsibility for any contract.
  • You can pay by bank transfer, check, or cash, and we will issue a receipt for your payment. If you wish to make a payment, please make it payable to Legal Piling. Detailed information about bank transfers can be found on your invoice.
  • We will retain all client information and keep all personal and other client details confidential in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2023.
  • If unforeseen difficulties arise, or any other circumstances change, the quotation price or estimated cost may be revised to reflect the situation prior to or after work commences.
  • In any case of architectural design, product design, or any other design or associated scheme, the client, the client’s architect, or the client’s agent is responsible.
  • It is not the contractor’s responsibility to detect or prevent the presence of perished, infested, or rotten wood (or any other perished, rusty, infested, or rotten materials) in existing structures, such as doors, construction, or other timbers, windows, and frames.
  • We only undertake extras after a full discussion with the client and verbal or written agreement and charge at the agreed rate.
  • Inspections and other matters concerning the Local Authority Building Control Department can be managed by Legal Piling if requested by the client in advance and confirmed in writing by both parties. Depending on the Local Authority administration issues, payment after the completion of a contract may not be dependent on the presentation of a Building Control Completion Certificate.
  • We provide quotations that indicate the approximate time it will take to complete the work. As a guideline, the ‘Contract duration’ does not affect the contract price, i.e. if a contract takes longer than expected, no additional charges will be levied unless previously agreed, and conversely, if good progress is made and the contract takes less time to complete than expected, the client should not expect a discount.
  • The prices are based on the understanding that no retentions are held unless they have been arranged and approved in advance. We do not offer discounts to Main Contractors or Subcontractors unless we have agreed and confirmed in writing.
  • If the client breaches these terms and conditions, Legal Piling reserves the right to terminate the contract.
  • As soon as possible, we will endeavor to complete the building work in a satisfactory manner, taking into account the weather conditions, availability of specialist materials, and unforeseen circumstances.
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